Results for 'Allys Dwyer Vergara'

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  1.  50
    The Green and the Red—Sean O'Casey: The Man and His Plays. By Jules Koslow. [REVIEW]Allys Dwyer Vergara - 1951 - Renascence 4 (1):72-74.
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    The Story of the Abbey Theatre. By Peter Kavanagh. [REVIEW]Allys Dwyer Vergara - 1951 - Renascence 3 (2):168-170.
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    Del yo al nosotros, del nosotros al NosOtrxs. El rol del intelectual en la disputa por la realidad.Francisco Alejandro Vergara Muñoz - 2024 - Discusiones Filosóficas 25 (44):121-138.
    El presente artículo busca indagar y explicar la figura del intelectual y la incidencia que puede poseer este en el proceso de construcción de la realidad, en la disputa por la misma. Para realizar lo anterior se hará un recorrido que comienza analizando la obra de Hegel, principalmente en lo relativo al concepto de intersubjetividad, lo que llevará a hacer transparente la figura clave que hay tras la fórmula “el yo es el nosotros y el nosotros el yo”. En un (...)
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    Women and Gynaecological Cancer: Gender and the Doctor–Patient Relationship.Eileen Willis, Debra King, Judith Dwyer, Jo Wainer & Kei Owada - 2017 - Topoi 36 (3):509-519.
    This article presents evidence regarding aspects of the gendered nature of care women with gynaecological cancer receive from their (usually) male surgeons and oncologists in Australia. We argue that despite women’s general preference for female gynaecologists, those with a gynaecological cancer develop a strong therapeutic relationship with their male medical specialist, not extended to their (usually) female nurses and other allied health professionals. Given the highly sensitive and sexualized nature of gynaecological cancer, this requires explanation. These findings can be partly (...)
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    Sense and Subjectivity: A Study of Wittgenstein and Merleau-Ponty.Philip Dwyer (ed.) - 1990 - New York: Brill.
    The philosophies of Merleau-Ponty and the later Wittgenstein are shown to yield a common position opposing 'realist' attempts to reduce appearance, sense, and meaning to perception-independent objects and relations. Their 'Gestalt Philosophy' thus constitutes a new form of 'anti- realism'.
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    Systemic Corruption: Constitutional Ideas for an Anti-Oligarchic Republic.Camila Vergara - 2020 - Princeton University Press.
    A bold new approach to combatting the inherent corruption of representative democracy This provocative book reveals how the majority of modern liberal democracies have become increasingly oligarchic, suffering from a form of structural political decay first conceptualized by ancient philosophers. Systemic Corruption argues that the problem cannot be blamed on the actions of corrupt politicians but is built into the very fabric of our representative systems. Camila Vergara provides a compelling and original genealogy of political corruption from ancient to (...)
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  7.  11
    Electrons, Ions, and Waves: Selected Papers of William Phelps Allis.William Phelps Allis - 1967 - MIT Press.
    The selected papers of William Phelps Allis are gathered here in celebration of his elevation from Professor to Professor Emeritus of Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This gathering was arranged as a surprise tribute to Professor Allis and was prepared under conditions of conspiring silence. The presentation was held at M.I.T. on May 10, 1967. The papers selected here are a worthy extension of the man himself, in their directness and essential simplicity. And in their abiding value. In (...)
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  8. The Linguistic Analogy: Motivations, Results, and Speculations.Susan Dwyer, Bryce Huebner & Marc D. Hauser - 2010 - Topics in Cognitive Science 2 (3):486-510.
    Inspired by the success of generative linguistics and transformational grammar, proponents of the linguistic analogy (LA) in moral psychology hypothesize that careful attention to folk-moral judgments is likely to reveal a small set of implicit rules and structures responsible for the ubiquitous and apparently unbounded capacity for making moral judgments. As a theoretical hypothesis, LA thus requires a rich description of the computational structures that underlie mature moral judgments, an account of the acquisition and development of these structures, and an (...)
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  9.  24
    Estrategias gramaticales de expresión de la evidencialidad en el español de chile.Carlos González Vergara - 2011 - Alpha (Osorno) 32:149-165.
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  10. Making "Implicit" Explicit: Toward an Account of Implicit Linguistic Knowledge.Susan Jane Dwyer - 1991 - Dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    In chapter one I consider two arguments for the claim that we ought to attribute linguistic knowledge to speakers of a natural language. The a priori argument has it that a theory of understanding reveals what it is that speakers of a language know about their language. The second argument takes the form of an inference to the best explanation, emphasising the idea that speaking and understanding a language is a rational activity carried on by agents with intention and purpose. (...)
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  11.  17
    Tres Discursos Filosóficos de la (Post) Modernidad Chilena: Oyarzún, Hopenhayn y Sabrovsky.H. Fernando Vergara - 2018 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 6 (2):25.
    El presente artículo, sin mayores pretensiones teóricas, intenta presentar tres coordenadas filosóficas sobre el sujeto moderno que se hicieron cargo de las consecuencias del debate en torno a la modernidad/postmodernidad desde Latinoamérica y Chile. Pablo Oyarzún, Martín Hopenhayn y Eduardo Sabrovsky, representan un intento por comprender esta situación en la perspectiva histórico- crítica de la filosofía contemporánea.
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  12.  28
    The Classical Conservative Challenge to Dewey.Shaun O'Dwyer - 2001 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 37 (4):491 - 514.
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    Bodily Awareness: A Phenomenological-Cognitive Approach.Hugo Rodríguez Vergara - 2010 - Ideas Y Valores 59 (142):25-47.
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    Archaeological remains of oil based urbanity.Camilo José Vergara - 2013 - In Alfredo González Ruibal, Reclaiming archaeology: beyond the tropes of modernity. N.Y.: Routledge.
  15. Muerte y esperanza.Roberto Vergara - 2016 - Revista de filosofía (Chile):15-29.
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  16.  63
    Epistemic Elitism, Paternalism, and Confucian Democracy.Shaun O’Dwyer - 2015 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 14 (1):33-54.
    This paper brings a fresh, epistemic perspective to bear on prominent Confucian philosophers’ arguments for a hybrid Deweyan-Confucian democracy, or for an illiberal democracy with “Confucian characteristics.” Reconstructing principles for epistemic elitism and paternalism from the pre-Qin 秦 Confucian thought that inspires these advocates for Confucian democracy, it finds two major problems with their proposals. For those who abandon or modify this epistemic elitism and paternalism in accordance with , the result is a philosophical syncretism that is either unconvincingly Confucian (...)
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  17. Developing the duty to treat: HIV, SARS, and the next epidemic.J. Dwyer & D. F.-C. Tsai - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (1):7-10.
    SARS, like HIV, placed healthcare workers at risk and raised issues about the duty to treat. But philosophical accounts of the duty to treat that were developed in the context of HIV did not adequately address some of the ethical issues raised by SARS. Since the next epidemic may be more like SARS than HIV, it is important to illuminate these issues. In this paper, we sketch a general account of the duty to treat that arose in response to HIV. (...)
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    Contextualist model evaluation: models in financial economics and index funds.Melissa Vergara-Fernández, Conrad Heilmann & Marta Szymanowska - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (1):1-23.
    Philosophers of science typically focus on the epistemic performance of scientific models when evaluating them. Analysing the effects that models may have on the world has typically been the purview of sociologists of science. We argue that the reactive (or “performative”) effects of models should also figure in model evaluations by philosophers of science. We provide a detailed analysis of how models in financial economics created the impetus for the growing importance of the phenomenon of “passive investing” in financial markets. (...)
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  19.  12
    Music autopsies: essays and interviews (1999-2022).Benjamin Dwyer - 2023 - Hofheim: Wolke.
    Part I. Ireland and beyond. SacrumProfanum : mapping cultural damage through music ; Second glance at Ted Hughes's Crow : transcendence interrupted ; Joycean aesthetics and mythic imagination in the music of Frank Corcoran ; 'In exile anyway' : Jonathan Creasy interviews Benjamin Dwyer ; ...eleven reflections on Beckett, music and silence ; 'Insight - deeper' : Benjamin Dwyer interviews Kevin Volans ; Umbilical : the story of Oedipus, the story of Jocasta -- Part II. Beyond Ireland. 'O (...)
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  20.  27
    Van Rensselaer Potter, Climate Change, and Justice.James Dwyer - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 5 (1):92-102.
    When Van Rensselaer Potter coined the English word “bioethics”, he envisioned a field that would bring together biological understanding and ethical values to address global environmental problems. Following Potter’s broad vision of bioethics, I explore ethical ideas that we need to address climate change. However, I develop and emphasize ideas about justice and responsibility in ways that Potter did not. At key points, I contrast the ideas that I develop with those in Potter’s work, but I try to avoid scholarly (...)
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  21.  24
    Cuerpo, metáforas conceptuales y religión.Rosenberg Alape Vergara - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (S2):63-78.
    Se examina en qué medida las ciencias cognitivas iluminan aspectos cruciales del hecho religioso. Según George Lakoff y Mark Johnson, la teoría de las metáforas esclarece cómo la corporalidad determina estructuralmente las representaciones religiosas, lo que permite sustentar una "espiritualidad encarnada". Se busca mostrar que la propuesta requiere superar al menos dos tendencias para lograr un juicio crítico sobre la religión: una, reducir la religión a un asunto de sistemas conceptuales; otra, restar importancia a la cuestión hermenéutica para la valoración (...)
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  22. Psychological Issues in Catholic Palliative Care: The Challenge of Requests to Hasten Death.Daniel Dwyer - 2019 - In Dan O’Brien & Peter Cataldo, Palliative Care and Catholic Health Care : Two Millennia of Caring for the Whole Person. Springer Verlag.
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  23. Husserl and Sartre: from Phenomenology to Integral Humanism in Man's Self-Interpretation-in-Existence: Phenomenology and Philosophy of Life. Introducing the Spanish Perspective.P. Marquez Vergara - 1990 - Analecta Husserliana 29:437-459.
  24.  58
    Algunas conceptualizaciones acerca de la dignidad del anciano en bioderecho.Paulina Ramos Vergara & Ángela Arenas Massa - 2015 - Persona y Bioética 19 (1).
    El bioderecho es un neologismo que trata las reglas jurídicas de comportamiento en el contexto de cuestiones bioéticas; se ocupa también del hombre, su dignidad, vida e identidad. El presente estudio descriptivo busca atribuir significado al concepto de dignidad en dos modelos de bioderecho, que develan el estatuto jurídico reconocido por estos a los adultos mayores. Se aplica el método de análisis elaborado por Laura Palazzani. Los resultados evidencian diferencias en el contenido del concepto de dignidad y, por ende, en (...)
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  25. ¿La voz de los sin voz?: Análisis crítico de la producción de testimonios en las ciencias sociales.Jorge Iván Vergara - 2004 - Aposta 8:2.
    El artículo analiza las condiciones de validez del testimonio en ciencias sociales. Sus potencialidades centrales son el constituir un campo de exploración e investigación de acercamiento a la subjetividad, especialmente a la de los sectores populares. Ello ha permitido incorporar sus discursos y representaciones en las ciencias sociales. Sin embargo, dicha incorporación se ha realizado bajo una perspectiva empirista, según la cual el testimonio es una representación inmediata, directa de los sujetos, lo que oculta la mediación del testimonio a través (...)
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    Sociedad, universidad y conocimiento.Jorge Vergara Estévez - 2001 - Polis 1.
    Nuestra universidad inicia la publicación de su revista Polis. Su nombre deriva de una tradición de pensamiento clásico para la cual la ciudad, y en este caso, la sociedad chilena en conjunto, es el horizonte de nuestra acción como universidad. El hombre es un ser de la ciudad, un ciudadano, decía Aristóteles, significando con ello que comparte su vida con sus connacionales. Y esto implica, que nada de lo que suceda en su ciudad le pueda ser ajeno; y por ello (...)
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  27.  69
    Deflating Parental Rights.James G. Dwyer - 2021 - Law and Philosophy 40 (4):387-418.
    Perhaps the greatest determinant of individual and societal welfare is who raises children and with what degree of discretion. Philosophers have endeavored in myriad ways to provide normative justification for ascribing a right to be a legal parent and to possess particular legal powers as a parent. This Article shows why they fail and offers an alternative theoretical framework for delimiting parental rights. The prevailing tendency in philosophical writing on the topic is to begin with observations and intuitions specific to (...)
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  28.  17
    Moral Status and Human Life: The Case for Children's Superiority.James G. Dwyer - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    Are children of equal, lesser, or perhaps even greater moral importance than adults? This work of applied moral philosophy develops a comprehensive account of how adults as moral agents ascribe moral status to beings - ourselves and others - and on the basis of that account identifies multiple criteria for having moral status. It argues that proper application of those criteria should lead us to treat children as of greater moral importance than adults. This conclusion presents a basis for critiquing (...)
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  29.  12
    Harlem: The Unmaking of a Ghetto.Camilo José Vergara & Timothy J. Gilfoyle - 2013 - University of Chicago Press.
    For more than a century, Harlem has been the epicenter of black America, the celebrated heart of African American life and culture—but it has also been a byword for the problems that have long plagued inner-city neighborhoods: poverty, crime, violence, disinvestment, and decay. Photographer Camilo José Vergara has been chronicling the neighborhood for forty-three years, and Harlem: The Unmaking of a Ghetto is an unprecedented record of urban change. Vergara began his documentation of Harlem in the tradition of (...)
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  30.  18
    [Book review] religious schools V. children's rights. [REVIEW]James G. Dwyer - 1999 - Ethics 110 (1).
  31.  13
    Why Philosophers Aren’t Better People.James Dwyer - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 7 (2-3):175-179.
    Je commence par un récit autobiographique qui explique la question suivante : pourquoi les philosophes ne sont-ils pas de meilleures personnes? La philosophie, telle qu’elle est pratiquée dans la plupart des départements universitaires, ne se préoccupe pas de la manière dont nous habitons et percevons le monde. Elle ne se préoccupe pas vraiment des pratiques qui visent à former le type de personnes que nous devenons. Après avoir discuté des raisons pour lesquelles la question résonne encore aujourd’hui, j’envisage une réponse, (...)
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    Describing model relations: The case of the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) family in financial economics.Melissa Vergara-Fernández, Conrad Heilmann & Marta Szymanowska - 2023 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 97 (C):91-100.
    The description of how individual models in families of models are related to each other is crucial for the general philosophical understanding of model-based scientific practice. We focus on the Capital Asset Pricing Models (CAPM) family, a cornerstone in financial economics, to provide a descriptive analysis of model relations within a family. We introduce the concepts of theoretical and empirical complementarity to characterise model relations. Our complementarity analysis of model relations has two types of payoff. Specifically regarding the CAPM, our (...)
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  33. Ethical Codes of Conduct in Irish Companies: A Survey of Code Content and Enforcement Procedures.Brendan O’Dwyer & Grainne Madden - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 63 (3):217-236.
    This paper reports on an investigation of issues surrounding the use of ethical codes/codes of conduct in Irish based companies. Using a comprehensive questionnaire survey, the paper examines the incidence, content and enforcement of codes of conduct among a sample of the top 1000 companies based in Ireland. The main findings indicate that the overall usage of codes of conduct amongst indigenous Irish companies has increased significantly from 1995 to 2000. However, in line with prior research, these codes focus primarily (...)
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  34.  64
    Environmental migrants, structural injustice, and moral responsibility.James Dwyer - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (6):562-569.
    Climate change and environmental problems will force or induce millions of people to migrate. In this article, I describe environmental migration and articulate some of the ethical issues. To begin, I give an account of these migrants that overcomes misleading dichotomies. Then, I focus attention on two important ethical issues: justice and responsibility. Although we are all at risk of becoming environmental migrants, we are not equally at risk. Our risk depends on our temporal position, geographical location, social position, and (...)
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  35.  24
    La comunidad justa de los poetas: un camino sin fragmentaciones.Laureano Contreras Vergara - 2006 - Escritos 14 (32):156-207.
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    Babel, Justice, and Democracy: Reflections on a Shortage of Interpreters at a Public Hospital.James Dwyer - 2001 - Hastings Center Report 31 (2):31-36.
    When a doctor sees a patient, answers to a few questions can be crucial. So what to do when no one at the hospital speaks the patient's language? Doctors can often devise creative, makeshift ways of communicating with their patients, but the problem calls ultimately for a creative organizational response.
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  37.  50
    Ibsen's Nora and the Confucian Critique of the “Unencumbered Self”.Shaun O'Dwyer - 2016 - Hypatia 31 (4):890-906.
    Criticisms of the liberal-individualist idea of the “unencumbered self” are not just a staple of communitarian thought. Some modern Confucian thinkers are now seeking to develop an ethically particular understanding of social roles in the family that is sensitive to gender-justice issues, and that provides an alternative to liberal-individualist conceptions of the “unencumbered self” in relation to family roles. The character of Nora in Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House seemingly exemplifies such conceptions of the unencumbered self in her rejection of (...)
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    Social Justice Practices on Gender, Race, and Environment Within a School in Granada.Ximena Soza Vergara & Nicholas Daniel Hartlep - 2015 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 51 (5):351-367.
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  39.  9
    Introduction aux fondements philosophiques du libéralisme.Francisco Vergara - 1992 - Paris: La Découverte.
    This book describes the philosophical principles underlying the political project often called “classical liberalism”. By this expression is meant the project for society proposed, during the second half of the eighteenth century, by David Hume and Adam Smith in Great Britain, Turgot and Condorcet in France, Thomas Jefferson in the United States and Kant and Humboldt in Germany. The differences between the principles of “classical liberalism” and those of the extreme doctrines of Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek (often confused with (...)
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  40.  45
    Chesterton around the World.Daniel Vergara del Carril - 2010 - The Chesterton Review 36 (3/4):311-311.
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    La concepción de Hayek del estado de derecho y la crítica de Hinkelammert.Jorge Vergara Estévez - 2005 - Polis 10.
    Frente a la escasa presencia del tema del estado de derecho en el pensamiento crítico latinoamericano en contraste a los de revolución, cambio social, emancipación, justicia social, democracia y derechos humanos, el autor propone la importancia de este tema en tanto la invocación al estado de derecho ha sido el mito cuasi-religioso conservador en América Latina que ha justificado la represión e incluso los golpes de estado. Por ello el artículo recoge la teoría política de Hayek, de quien sólo se (...)
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  42.  25
    Viviane Forrester, Una extraña dictadura, Fondo de Cultura Económica, Buenos Aires, 2000, 164 p.Jorge Vergara Estévez - 2003 - Polis 5.
    “Resistir significa en primer lugar rechazar. Hoy, la insurgencia consiste en ese rechazo que no tiene nada de negativo, que es un acto indispensable, vital “ V. F.Hace ya seis años, en 1997, dos importantes editoriales publicaron en Barcelona, México y Buenos Aires, una traducción al español de El horror económico, y tres años después apareció en nuestra lengua Una extraña dictadura, ambos de la destacada ensayista y novelista francesa Vivianne Forrester. Estas obras se convirtieron en éxit..
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    Corruption as systemic political decay.Camila Vergara - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (3):322-346.
    By offering an analysis of different conceptions of corruption connected to the political regime and contingency in which they developed, the article retrieves a systemic meaning of political corruption. Through the works of Plato, Aristotle, Polybius and Machiavelli, it reconstructs a dimension of political corruption particular to popular governments and also engages with recent neo-republican and institutionalist attempts at redefining political corruption. The article concludes that we still lack a proper conception of systemic corruption comparable to the one of the (...)
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  44. Believing in language.Susan Dwyer & Paul M. Pietroski - 1996 - Philosophy of Science 63 (3):338-373.
    We propose that the generalizations of linguistic theory serve to ascribe beliefs to humans. Ordinary speakers would explicitly (and sincerely) deny having these rather esoteric beliefs about language--e.g., the belief that an anaphor must be bound in its governing category. Such ascriptions can also seem problematic in light of certain theoretical considerations having to do with concept possession, revisability, and so on. Nonetheless, we argue that ordinary speakers believe the propositions expressed by certain sentences of linguistic theory, and that linguistics (...)
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  45. A Multidimensional Investigation of Sensory Processing in Autism: Parent- and Self-Report Questionnaires, Psychophysical Thresholds, and Event-Related Potentials in the Auditory and Somatosensory Modalities.Patrick Dwyer, Yukari Takarae, Iman Zadeh, Susan M. Rivera & Clifford D. Saron - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    BackgroundReconciling results obtained using different types of sensory measures is a challenge for autism sensory research. The present study used questionnaire, psychophysical, and neurophysiological measures to characterize autistic sensory processing in different measurement modalities.MethodsParticipants were 46 autistic and 21 typically developing 11- to 14-year-olds. Participants and their caregivers completed questionnaires regarding sensory experiences and behaviors. Auditory and somatosensory event-related potentials were recorded as part of a multisensory ERP task. Auditory detection, tactile static detection, and tactile spatial resolution psychophysical thresholds were (...)
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  46. How good is the linguistic analogy?Susan Dwyer - 2005 - In Peter Carruthers, Stephen Laurence & Stephen P. Stich, The Innate Mind: Structure and Contents. New York, US: Oxford University Press on Demand. pp. 145--167.
    A nativist moral psychology, modeled on the successes of theoretical linguistics, provides the best framework for explaining the acquisition of moral capacities and the diversity of moral judgment across the species. After a brief presentation of a poverty of the moral stimulus argument, this chapter sketches a view according to which a so-called Universal Moral Grammar provides a set of parameterizable principles whose specific values are set by the child's environment, resulting in the acquisition of a moral idiolect. The principles (...)
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    Chance, Merit, and Economic Inequality: Rethinking Distributive Justice and the Principle of Desert.Joseph de la Torre Dwyer - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book develops a novel approach to distributive justice by building a theory based on a concept of desert. As a work of applied political theory, it presents a simple but powerful theoretical argument and a detailed proposal to eliminate unmerited inequality, poverty, and economic immobility, speaking to the underlying moral principles of both progressives who already support egalitarian measures and also conservatives who have previously rejected egalitarianism on the grounds of individual freedom, personal responsibility, hard work, or economic efficiency. (...)
  48.  11
    Biopolítica, geontología y transhumanismo.R. Camilo Vergara - 2024 - Revista Ethika+ 9:103-127.
    Habitamos en un punto de inflexión histórico, denominado Antropoceno. Este se caracteriza por la huella indeleble que deja la actividad humana en el mundo. Bajo este contexto, surge la teoría de la ‘geontología’ de Elizabeth Povinelli, la cual pretende revelar la articulación de las complejas relaciones de poder que se despliegan en el Antropoceno por medio de las figuras del Desierto, el Animista y el Virus. Al contrastar las reflexiones biopolíticas de Povinelli sobre lo vivo y lo no-vivo con algunas (...)
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    Confucian Democrats, Not Confucian Democracy.Shaun O’Dwyer - 2020 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 19 (2):209-229.
    The notion that if democracy is to flourish in East Asia it must be realized in ways that are compatible with East Asian’s Confucian norms or values is a staple conviction of Confucian scholarship. I suggest two reasons why it is unlikely and even undesirable for such a Confucianized democracy to emerge. First, 19th- and 20th-century modernization swept away or weakened the institutions which had transmitted Confucian practices in the past, undermining claims that there is an enduring Confucian communitarian or (...)
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    Children's Rights.James G. Dwyer - 2003 - In Randall Curren, A Companion to the Philosophy of Education. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 443–455.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Basic Principles Concerning Rights Against Parents' Rights Against State or Citizen Rights Formal Characteristics of Children's Rights Conclusion.
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